Woman on a video conference meeting.

Building Strong Remote Teams with Effective Communication

Building Strong Remote Teams with Effective Communication

The rise of remote work has permanently changed the way we approach work, and the benefits for both employers and employees have become increasingly apparent.

Though, one of the challenges of remote work is building a strong team and fostering effective communication. Without proper communication, remote teams can quickly become disconnected, leading to poor collaboration, missed deadlines, and low morale.

In this article, let’s explore the key factors that contribute to effective communication in remote teams and offer some practical tips to help you build a strong and cohesive team.

Establish a Communication Plan

One of the most important steps in building effective communication in remote teams is to establish a communication plan. This plan should outline how team members will communicate with each other, when they will communicate, and what tools they will use. It’s important to be clear and concise when creating this plan so that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities.

When developing a communication plan, consider the following:

    Communication channels: Determine which communication channels you will use, such as email, instant messaging, video conferencing, or project management tools. You may want to use different channels for different types of communication, such as email for important updates and video conferencing for team meetings.

    Frequency of communication: Decide how often team members should communicate with each other. This may depend on the nature of the work and the project timeline. Some teams may need to communicate daily, while others may only need to communicate once a week.

    Time zones: If your team is spread across different time zones, it’s important to consider this when creating your communication plan. Ensure that team members are aware of each other’s time zones and establish a schedule that works for everyone.

    Communication etiquette: Establish guidelines for communication etiquette, such as how quickly team members should respond to messages, how to address team members, and how to give feedback.

Encourage Active Listening

Employee talking to workmates on online video call, meeting to discuss business project.

Effective communication is not just about speaking, but also about listening. In remote teams, it can be easy to get distracted or multitask during virtual meetings or online conversations. Encouraging active listening can help team members feel heard and valued, which can improve team morale and productivity.

Here are some tips for encouraging active listening:

    Be present: Encourage team members to be present during virtual meetings and to minimize distractions. This means turning off notifications and other distractions and focusing solely on the conversation.

    Paraphrase: Encourage team members to paraphrase what they’ve heard to ensure they understand the message correctly in order to avoid any misunderstandings.

    Ask questions: Encourage team members to ask questions if they are unsure of something or need clarification. This can help to ensure that everyone understands the message and can lead to more productive conversations.

Use Visual Aids

Visual aids can be a powerful tool for communicating complex ideas and information. In remote teams, visual aids can help to break down barriers and improve communication by providing a shared visual reference point for team members.

Here are some examples of visual aids that remote teams can use:

    Infographics: Infographics can be used to carry complex data or information in a simple and easy-to-understand way. They can be used in presentations or shared with team members to provide an at-a-glance overview of important information.

    Mind maps: Mind maps are a visual representation of ideas and information that can help team members to see connections and relationships between different pieces of information. They can be used in brainstorming sessions or to map out project timelines.

    Screenshots: Screenshots can be used to quickly share information or provide visual examples of a particular issue. They can be used in instant messaging or email conversations to provide context or clarify a point.

Encourage Regular Check-Ins

Employee on online video call communication.

Regular check-ins are an important part of building effective communication in remote teams. These check-ins provide an opportunity for team members to touch base, share progress, and discuss any issues or concerns. Regular check-ins can help to enhance team morale and productivity by confirming that everyone is on the right track and working towards the same goals.

Here are some tips for conducting regular check-ins:

    Schedule regular check-ins: Create a regular schedule for check-ins, such as weekly or bi-weekly meetings. Make sure that everyone is aware of the schedule and that it works for their time zone.

    Use video conferencing: Whenever possible, use video conferencing for check-ins. This can help to improve communication by allowing team members to see each other’s facial expressions and body language.

    Set an agenda: Set an agenda for each check-in and distribute it to team members in advance. This can help to keep the conversation focused and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to contribute.

    Encourage open communication: Encourage team members to share their progress, concerns, and ideas during check-ins. This can help to guarantee that everyone is aware of any possible issues and can work together to address them.

Promote a Positive Team Culture

Woman in a video conference call in her home office.

Building effective communication in remote teams also requires promoting a positive team culture. A positive team culture can help to improve morale, encourage collaboration, and foster a sense of belonging among team members.

Here are some tips for promoting a positive team culture:

    Celebrate successes: Celebrate team successes and achievements, no matter how small. This can help to build a sense of camaraderie and encourage team members to work towards common goals.

    Foster social connections: Encourage team members to connect socially, such as by organizing virtual team building activities or social events. This can help to build relationships and improve communication.

    Encourage feedback: Encourage team members to provide feedback on the team’s performance and communication. This can help to identify areas for improvement and ensure that everyone’s voice is heard.

    Lead by example: As a team leader, it’s important to lead by example and model positive communication and behavior. This can help to set the tone for the team and encourage others to follow suit.


Effective communication is essential for building strong and cohesive remote teams. By establishing a communication plan, encouraging active listening, using visual aids, conducting regular check-ins, and promoting a positive team culture, you can improve communication and build a stronger and more productive remote team.

Remember that effective communication is an ongoing process and requires continuous effort and attention. By prioritizing communication and fostering a positive team culture, you can ensure that your remote team is successful and productive, no matter where they are located.

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