SPOR Group’s Golf Day

We are delighted to extend a special invitation to our network to sign up to our waitlist for an unforgettable day of fun and relaxation at our upcoming Corporate Golf Day at The Grove in Hertfordshire!

Sponsored by Samsung Electronics, Legrand, Midwich and Biamp, selected guests will enjoy a day of luxury and leisure with the following itinerary:

Welcome Brunch: Start your morning in style with a delightful welcome brunch in the Players Lounge, setting the perfect tone for the day.

Practice: Warm up your swing and sharpen your skills with The Grove’s driving range facilities before hitting the course.

18 Holes on the Prestigious Golf Course: Take on the The Grove’s prestigious 18 hole golf course, renowned for its breath-taking views and challenging layout.

Three-Course Dinner and Drinks: As the day draws to a close, unwind and socialise with fellow attendees over drinks followed by a three course buffet dinner, celebrating the successes of the day.

Spaces for this exclusive event are limited, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to relax, network, and enjoy the luxury of The Grove. Sign up to our waitlist now to secure your spot: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/spor-group-golf-day-tickets-875884442947?aff=oddtdtcreator. The final selection will be contacted by our events team.

For more information or any inquiries, please feel free to contact us at info@spor-group.com.

We are looking forward to welcoming you for a day of golfing excellence at The Grove! Sign up now and secure your spot on the waitlist!